The Black Cat Blue Sea Award

Thank you so much to Patricia Davis from the kindergartenknowledge blog for nominating me for the Black Cat Blue Sea Award!  She must have known that I needed some easy way to ease myself back into writing a blog post!  I have had a week long forced vacation from my blog writing, due to computer difficulties.

I have had so much fun getting to know Patricia through her blog and her wonderful comments.  Make sure to click the link above so you, too, can enjoy a great reading experience!

Back to the award…..this is an award given and received by fellow bloggers and is meant to be fun. If any nominees are not interested in The Black Cat Blue Sea Award, participation is not required.

The rules are as follows:

black cat blue sea award..png

The  questions I was asked to answer:

1. What personal rewards do you receive from blogging?
I would have to say the biggest personal reward I receive from blogging are the friendships I am making with people from all over the world.  Blogging is an invitation to explore not only my own joy of writing and love of words but the words and ideas of others. There are so many wonderful, funny, sincere people out there that it restores my faith in the goodness of people on a regular basis. So many people have huge issues in life but they deal with them with grace, dignity and humor. These same people are quick to encourage everyone around them. I am grateful to the blogging community. I am also finding out that a great number of people from my church read my blog.  That has also been a fun way to connect.

2. What place in the world would you like to visit? Why?
This is a really hard question for me.  I love to travel and see things.  If I had unlimited resources and a husband who shared the love of being gone I would probably never be home. My bucket list includes places like the Grand Canyon because it is such an amazing creation that God has gifted us. The list also includes Mexico because I think a week by the ocean and on the beach would be so relaxing. I also love any place historic because I have always loved history. I have been to Europe waaaaay back in 1977 and would love to go back and see how things have changed since then. Actually anywhere my family is, is also a great place to be! It would also be fun to stop in and actually see my fellow bloggers in person, sit down for a cup of tea and have a visit.

3. What are your four most favorite books?
Another hard question!  I love to read…..I still read labels on the catsup bottle!  Anyway, I digress…..four favorite books: Blink by Ted Dekker (I love the possibilities it presents), The Help by Kathryn Stockett (I have never seen the movie but I love the characters in this book), Grace For the Moment by Max Lucado (one of my favorite devotionals), the Bible (I would be so lost without this book!), and I am adding a fifth book – the Reference Guide for Essential Oils  (It is so full of good information.)

My seven nominees are:


These seven bloggers have made me think, they have made me laugh out loud, they have inspired me but most of all they have made me wish I could meet them in person

The three questions I have for these bloggers are:

1. How do you find your inspiration for a blog post?

2. What do you enjoy most about where you call home? Why?

3. What is your favorite thing to do and with who (or is it whom)?

“Every time you post something online, you have a choice.
You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world—or you can make it something that takes away.”
Zoe Sugg





26 thoughts on “The Black Cat Blue Sea Award

  1. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    Firstly … Many Congratulations on your award! It’s so lovely to receive something which you never knew you’d be considered for. It kind of makes you feel like you’re doing ok with what you’re doing and so should keep doing it.

    Next …

    Thank you SO MUCH for your nomination for this award! I’m totally flabbergasted and can’t thank you enough for your kindness. It made me feel a little tearful when I read my blog name up there. Thank you Chicken. I love you to pieces.
    Sending love and squidges to your corner, from mine ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. PaperPuff says:

    Great answers – you have such a good heart! Thanks for nominating me too, I am touched. This is the fourth nomination I have had for awards in a week so I am going to have to spread them out a bit I think! Glad you are back. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Deb says:

    Congratulations Faye and thank you for thinking of me!! Do we know what the Black Cat Blue Sea represents? Well after I typed that, of course I had to Google it and here is what it stands for…“This award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody, and no matter how many viewers they get, make an impact on a reader. This award is an expression of gratitude to the nominee. It should be awarded to anybody that you choose deserves it and it doesn’t mean that they must have hundreds of followers and likes.”
    That’s pretty cool and is quite appropriate for you!! Thank you again for nominating me! I’m also glad you are reconnected…my internet went down for 5 days and I was going crazy trying to create my daily post from my smartphone…not fun!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    I’m sorry if you’ve been inundated with awards recently but .. I’ve nominated you for The Happines Tag – because you and your blog make me SO happy

    You can read about it here; . . on my blog. There’s not really a lot to it, you just have to list 5 things which make you happy, then name 5 blogs. BUT .. if you don’t want to do this it’s totally OK. I’ll still love you to pieces. lol
    Sending squidges ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    Awww … I’m all wriggly with joy here, and have just read that out to Mr.C. and he giggled too.

    I’m like an infection aren’t I. LOLOLOL. I spread myself via my blog and infect such lovely people. I hope they don’t invent an antibiotic. lol
    Squidges of the really big huggy love type
    ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

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