Shades of Harvest

Ready For Harvest.JPG

The seasons are definitely changing in our area.  All the lush green fields have turned to shades of browns.  They even sound different.  The leaves on the corn stalks rustle dryly with the slightest breeze. And there is a smell in the air that only comes from damp leaves slowly disintegrating into the soil.

Where fields were once alive and growing they are now dead-looking, dry and ready to be harvested. The soybeans have mostly been combined and farmers have now moved on to the corn fields.

Bean Field at Dusk.JPG

As I stood on my porch I could hear the sounds of harvest going on around me. The sound of tractors, wagons and combines rolling through those fields of Iowa corn, harvesting millions of beautiful, golden kernels. It is the sound of compensation for the worry, sweat and prayers that have gone into that crop since the day the seeds were put in the ground.

I did not get a picture of a wagon full of corn as my husband brought them back empty after unloading them at the local grain elevator. Perhaps tomorrow I can get that accomplished.

Wagons Waiting to be Refilled.JPG

The roads to town are filled with these same tractors and wagons making their way to the local grain elevators. Our radio stations even warn us to all be more alert as we travel during this time of year as the farmers move at a slower pace than the rest of the traffic.

There is a beauty to this season that is fall.  The beauty lies in the quiet evenings that echo with the distant hum of grain dryers and farmers staying late in the fields.  There is a beauty in the many shades of brown and the leaves that are turning yellow and beginning to fall and carpet the ground. There is beauty in the smell that comes up from the earth as it is once again uncovered after a field is combined.

So many things about fall are a feast for the senses. The colors that draw your eyes to the edge of the river, the red blaze of a sugar maple, the rustle of dry grass and withered corn leaves, the lonesome sound of geese as they fly south for the winter, the feel of moist dirt that falls off a newly dug potato, the chill of the evening air, the frost sparkling on the grass in the morning,  and the smell of wood smoke coming from the chimney.

There is such a timeless feel to the changing of the seasons. Perhaps because it is timeless. There is a comfort in the continuity of this cycle of life. There is a comfort in knowing that it has been this way since the beginning of time and it will continue till the end of time.

It is a blessing to live in a place where the seasons are so ingrained in the rhythm of our lives. It takes a certain faith to put those seeds in the ground in the spring and wait for the harvest. There is a blessing in being dependent and it has given me a deep appreciation for what the Creator has gifted us.

May you see the blessing this weekend.


22 “As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”
Genesis 8:22
New International Version (NIV)





33 thoughts on “Shades of Harvest

  1. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    An outstanding, breath-taking, heart warming, life enriching post, Chicken.
    Absolutely love this post. It has shown me a view of your life that I’d never really considered before.
    Thank you, not just for this post, but for being who you are. ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jen's magic says:

    This place sounds the exact vacation spot I needed right now. Thanks for sharing this heartwarming view from the other side of the world Chicken Grandma. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kindergartenknowledge says:

    Fall is my favorite time of the year…although we don’t really have a fall like you do! I do think that I am more apt to realize the change of the season when we are at the farm. I am thinking of the dairy across the farm to market road from us. They are from Holland (there are many dairy families from Holland near us…so very nice!). Anyway, the ones across the road have the most gigantic tractors that I have ever seen. They store hay in one of our barns…there is something comforting about the comings and goings of the very loud tractor bringing hay, about the cows knowing to walk up paths to the dairy barn at just the right time, about the scent of someone burning brush. We don’t have the very obvious change of seasons like you do, but even though subtle…the different time of year is apparent through what we see, touch, hear. Your post is ideal and I love the pictures…especially the large wagons for the corn!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      You have nailed the comforting feeling exactly! I grinned when you said our wagons are large. We are actually a very small farmer for this area and so is our equipment. But we are content where we are and with what we have so all is good.


      • kindergartenknowledge says:

        Ha! They are huge wagons to me!! I will send you a picture of the giant tractors across the road and down the road…next time we are down there! Our tractors look like little baby tractor toys next to them! I can truly guarantee that we cannot and will not buy one!! We are content too…except I have a need to see Vancouver and

        Liked by 1 person

  4. PaperPuff says:

    Not sure how I missed this yesterday – sorry! There has been an issue with posts not showing up in the Reader though so that may be it. Anyway, here I am, reading your lovely post. Sometimes the passage of seasons is not quite do obvious to those of us living in large towns or cities. It is nice to be reminded every now and again of the real world!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I wondered if changing seasons were as noticeable in the city. Perhaps it is the fact of crops maturing and being harvested that make it very real?
      Not too worry about missing a post…..I am very sure I have also done that! WordPress is not always up to snuff over here either. I am never sure if it is them or our internet provider.

      Liked by 1 person

      • PaperPuff says:

        Yes, I think it is the crops needing harvesting: these are deadlines imposed by nature, something that cannot really be much delayed or tinkered with. Seasonal milestones, I suppose.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Deb says:

    Wow Faye you write so beautifully! And you inspire me and make me feel better. My job has been dragging me down for over a year now and this has inspired me to spend some time outside and appreciate nature and the flow of the universe. I’ve been cooped up inside way too long…my soul is longing to reconnect with nature!! Thanks…have a blessed Sunday!! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I am so glad is helped! I have to confess that as I was writing this post I felt like I was rambling and for some reason just couldn’t get it together. I am now glad I just left it alone and hit the publish button.
      Enjoy your Sunday and take some time to just sit outside (providing the weather cooperates) and just suck in the peace.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Deb says:

        It wasn’t rambling at all…it was flowing from your heart that’s why it resonated so with me. I’m glad you left it alone and hit publish too!! Thank you…it’s supposed to be quite blustery out, if I can stand the chill in the air I will love the thrill in my hair from the winds!! I know that rhymes but it just came out that way! Peace….ahhhh! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Anne Mehrling says:

    That was a marvelous post. I’m so glad you shared it. I grew up in a farming community and was surrounded by people who felt the seasons as you do — really firsthand. I was a townie, but I remember the rumble of the cotton wagons and the hum of the gin.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Shattered in Him says:

    I love the name of your blog. It made me smile. And, my dream is to be out in the country with animals everywhere, including chickens! I keep putting my animal reservations in for when I get to Heaven! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I am so glad you took the time to stop by. My grandkids gave me that name so they could keep their two sets of country grandparents apart :). Their other grandma is the cat grandma as they have lots of cats. You would love chickens…..they have a lot of personality.


  8. theoxymoronmom says:

    This is so relatable and wrote with an air of contentment that only one who had battled those dreadful burrs may understand.
    I have just celebrated a year on our farm, in Iowa also. The joys that have come to me from meditating in prayer while pulling those weeds will be missed through the cold season. The sounds of the roosters crowing and the chickens scuttling about as we harvested our garden was immensely satisfying and I dare not believe will ever dull over the years. Also, I have foolishly assumed my potatoes did not fare well because they died off ( I’m a newbie) so today I shall go digging our potato hills and see what has been hidden beneath the neglected ground!


    • thechickengrandma says:

      The sound of chickens and the feeling of satisfaction when harvesting the garden never goes away and does not dull with time. I look forward to every season of gardening. Before you know it the seed catalogs will be out to take the edge off the cold, gray of winter!
      I hope your potatoes surprise you with lots of them hiding under that ground! My husband advises that you might just stab some with the pitchfork. That is almost impossible to avoid.


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