

Today we had one of those wonderful winter days that don’t resemble winter at all. It was a day that gave a glimpse into the possibility and the eventual coming of spring. Our temps were in the upper forties.

It was a beautiful day for a walk down the gravel road. The weather was so mild, I even took off my coat! Yes, for those of you that live in areas that do not experience winter and it’s subzero temperatures…..this was a balmy day.  It was a day to walk, ponder and enjoy the solitude that is a warm winter day in Iowa.

The ditches were running with small streams of water, fed by melting snow from the fields. The fields look barren and brown at this point; but are ripe with the promise of lush green crops that will be growing in them in a few short months. So much of life is like that. There is always the promise of something better even when things look dead and lifeless.

The girls enjoyed wandering about, picking at seedsforaging
that have been uncovered as the snowbanks have been disappearing. They are ever hopeful in their search for any leftover treats from this past summer.
They are usually rewarded for their diligence in the search for those bits of grass and seeds. They somehow know that I also will give in and toss them some slices of bread just to make them happy.

This beautiful day ended the way it began…..quiet, hushed and with a time of solitude. To stand outside; in the waning daylight is nothing short of magical. The stars start coming out to grace the night sky. There is always the sound of the last quiet rustlings of birds settling in for the night.

The girls in their coop, fuss as they jockey for positions on the roost. Distant sounds filter in on the wind of a train whistling as it makes it’s way through the dimming light. It is a lonely sound and makes me wonder where it is going and what kind of load it has.

I loved standing on my porch tonight. I loved enjoying watching as the day came to a close and night closed in. The moon shone brightly over those brown fields. Fields that are ripe with the promise of the coming Spring…… and life was filled with contentment.

There’s a difference between solitude and loneliness.
Maggie Smith

Read more at:

True silence is the rest of the mind,
and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body,
nourishment and refreshment.
-William Penn

49 thoughts on “Solitude

  1. peggyjoan42 says:

    Nice post Faye. Such a glorious, quiet stroll and wonderful solitude. I was outside last night as that huge, beautiful moon made an appearance. I could say temps in the 40s were cold, but I know folks adjust to the climate where they live. Our day was 65 degrees – my kind of weather. Take in that solitude as often as possible Faye – it soothes the soul. xoxo

    Liked by 3 people

  2. susieshy45 says:

    This was a magical poetic post- I felt like I was in solitude myself, all by myself, enjoying a silent walk in the quiet moonlight with the wings of the night fondling the strands of my hair or maybe there was a quiet breeze.
    I am glad the girls got a day out digging and exploring the new earth and promises of great days to come. Today the day is great but there are better days to come.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    After reading, looking, seeing and feeling …. I’m now feeling rested, peaceful, cosy and with a river of gentle happiness running through my core. I love this post Chicken. I came with you as you walked, and just like you, I too took off my coat, for I could feel that there was no need of it.

    A wonderful day, and a truly wonderful post, from a truly wonderful person.
    We’ve never met and yet I love you to pieces.
    Thank you for sharing that fantastic photo of the moon over your fields, and for the smile which spread across my face as I looked at one of your chickens and then saw, inside my head, her scratching and pecking and tootling back and forth looking for some ‘gold’.

    I’m filled with peace and joy. Thank you Chicken.
    Love ❤ ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

      • thecobweboriumemporium says:

        5?!! Coooo …. what a bird! Bless her little Comb… and her drumsticks too! lol

        She’s a really pretty bird. Such a delicate, gentle colour. Not marmalade more soft peachy, pinky fluff. Fabulous.
        May she continue to live a long and bossy life, keeping all those little hens in check.
        ❤ Cobs. x

        Liked by 1 person

      • thechickengrandma says:

        She has the odd name of “Poof” because when she was small I thought something was wrong with her as she had these poofs on the sides of her head. After googling that breed of chicken (Americauna) I found out that was normal lol.


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