Keep Your Eye on the Bird


This morning was a beautiful morning to sit outside and enjoy the cooler weather. I was having my morning cup of tea when I heard a cardinal singing in the tree. I saw it fly from one place to another branch and tried to keep my eye on it.

As I was trying to watch and listen, our cat decided to join me. To be honest she distracted me and I lost track of that flash of red that was the cardinal. I searched and searched but failed to find it back.

I sat for a bit pondering how easily I was distracted from the task I had set for myself. It wasn’t a task of much importance, but I came to realize that there are many large tasks that I also get distracted from.

A thought came to my mind that there are many times I should be keeping my eyes on God and what He would have me do….but I get distracted by crazy things that send my thought in other directions.

I kind of wondered if that is happening in our world today….are we distracted by media news stories that showcase issues and problems that seem to big for us to solve? Are we distracted by social media full of hashtags and trendy sayings that really fix nothing but sound like we are caring? Do we get sidetracked from keeping our eye on the One that has ALL the answers?

The problems are many and they are huge. They seem overwhelming when looked at through the lens of the world. Perhaps we/I should be looking at them through the God’s lens?

As I sat there, sipping on my tea this quiet morning I heard the cardinal sing again. I peered to my left and there the cardinal sat…..a brilliant flash of red, serenading me with a concert that was only enjoyed by the cat and me.

It seemed like a promise…..that even though I might be distracted by the world around me….God is still faithful. He puts me back on track.  I realized that I cannot change the world and fix all the injustices and hurts…..but I can do the task I am given in this small piece of world that is home.

I realized I am only one person….but I can live in such a way that influences those around me. I can be faithful….I can fix my eyes on Him and share His love and the hope that is promised.

May this weekend find you sharing that promise. May this weekend find you doing the task that is yours to do and may you keep your eyes fixed firmly on the  bird.

“The main thing
is to keep the main thing
a main thing.”
Stephen R. Covey

If you chase two rabbits…
both will escape.

21 thoughts on “Keep Your Eye on the Bird

  1. Maureen Helen says:

    As I get older, it seems concentration and focus have become somewhat elusive, and I do far less than before. I pray for the grace to be gentle with myself and my husband and to accept this new, quiet stage in our lives. Thank you for your inspirational posst, Faye.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peggyjoan42 says:

    I like the Stephen R. Covey quote. We certainly do need to keep our eye on God and let our light shine during this troubled time. My middle name is distracted – my mind just wanders off on a path of its own. Loved the photo of the Cardinal. We have a tremendous amount of Cardinals in our yard every day. They love to eat our blackberries, while the Mocking Birds eat the blueberries. I love sitting in the early morning – with my tea – watching the cool, quiet time of the day. Have a great weekend Faye.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ray V. says:

    Good advice and reminds me of another, pithy quote. “Don’t Major in Minors”.

    So Cardinals like corn? Never saw that before. I’ve found several of my old bird photographs and started posting them last night.

    Hope is is well in the heartland

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I like that quote also Ray!
      I actually took that photo this past winter. I have another that shows the cardinal challenging a Red-Belly Woodpecker for the right to that ear of corn. I may have to post that one at some point.


  4. says:

    Excellent thoughts. So often we’re distracted by the noise of this world. We forget that as Christians, we are not part of the world. This is just a stepping off place for us – a time of grace extended to us by the hand of God, to bring others to His world. That is our purpose and our joy as we muddle through all kinds of experiences designed to sharpen us and refine us. Thanks for your words today.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Timelesslady says:

    I love your insight. Yes it is so easy to get distracted from tasks and as you say from keeping focused on God throughout the many messes we are facing. My sister and I talk of current things and we remind ourselves that we were born for this time…God has a plan and purpose, and we are part of it. Yet, I have to remind myself to focus, focus, focus on what is eternal. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Joann says:

    I’m so glad I ran across your blog! Your name caught my attention first; my grandchildren call me Grandma Chicken. Your writing is lovely and inspiring and I look forward to following you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thechickengrandma says:

      Thank you so much Joann. I have got to get back to blogging. My short vacation has gotten longer than I intended it too.
      I love that your grandchildren call you Grandma Chicken! You must have some chickens?


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