Winter Temper Tantrum

Yesterday, winter decided to throw a full blown temper tantrum. The wind howled, the snow blew sideways and life in this area kind of shut down while we all hunkered down.

I kind of laughed when I saw friends who posted on Facebook yesterday. It seemed that there was a lot of baking going on. I know I did the same, but my purpose was two fold. I liked the fact that we ended up with chocolate cake, pumpkin pie and banana bread, but I really liked the fact that having the oven going also warmed up the kitchen.

The chickens did not get outside at all yesterday and to feed them I needed to scoop through a snowdrift that was up to my shoulders. This morning when I went out I had to re-shovel that same path. I also wanted them to get out because the sun was actually shining and I knew the wind was going to die down a bit.

I went back to the house to tell my husband that I really needed his help to shovel through a snowdrift that had filled in the trail the girls used to go outside. He first thought I was stretching it when I told him it was just too tall for me to deal with alone.

He did come outside with me, armed with a scoop, and as he rounded the corner of the garage, he just started to laugh. He decided I had not stretched the truth at all. We spent time shoveling a drift; that was as tall as me and did some laughing as we did. I do have to say that shared shoveling is a lot funner and goes a lot faster than doing that job alone!

In the photo I shared, I will tell you that somewhere under that drift was a trail before this last blizzard. I am happy to report, that with help…there is a path once again.

My husband decided it probably looks a bit like the Grand Canyon to the chickens. They were pretty leery about walking through but eventually decided it was worth it.

Life can be like that….when something unfamiliar comes along we are leery and sometimes need to be encouraged by those we trust.

I am praying you are encouraged by those around you. I pray that you are blessed by the people who weather life’s storms with you and that you are a blessing to them as well.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
– Ryunosuke Satoro

25 thoughts on “Winter Temper Tantrum

  1. peggy says:

    Now that is what I call a huge snowfall. What a job that was – I am glad you got many laughs from the situation Faye. Hope those chickens appreciate all your work. Wow – I am glad we don’t get snow storms like that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Maureen Helen says:

    Your post is like a fairytale! I live in Australia, have been to Europe a few times but never seen snow except on the top of distant mountains. Thank you for enlarging my world.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ruthsoaper says:

    Can’t remember the last time I saw snow that high. Around here our “scoop” to clear that snow would have had a motor attached. I don’t mind shoveling but that would have called for a snow blower or tractor. This storm brought us about 1/3 inch of ice.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thechickengrandma says:

      We haven’t had this much snow in years either. If I had been able to get a tractor in there I would surely have done it. I have the chicken in a really large fenced in area. (it keeps them from messing up my deck in the summer!) When it comes to the open yard area my husband gets the tractor going.

      Liked by 2 people

      • ruthsoaper says:

        Oh, I see. We’ve had to set up a fenced in area for ours as well to try to protect them from predators It’s not fool proof of course but lessens the chances of them getting nabbed. (Last year we lost a lot of our flock to foxes.) If needed we could still get a snowblower in to clear the snow. Were you still in need of this now to help with drought conditions? We are still in a severe drought area.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thechickengrandma says:

        We initially put up the fence due to a fox family living near us…then we realized how nice it was to have a clean deck so the fence stayed up. And yes…we are so in need of this moisture also. Just hoping for a slow melt so it goes into the ground instead of the river flooding.

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