New Years Resolutions

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I used to make resolutions for the New Year. I try not to do that anymore.  I guess I have resolved not to make any resolutions.  I am not sure how that actually works out when you try to make logical sense of that concept.

My husband has never made resolutions for the new year. His view is such that if an idea is good enough to try…..why wait till New Years day to implement it. I think he might be on to something with that idea.

He gets a little bent out of shape by the thought that most of us don’t worry about how much we overeat during the holidays and gain weight (himself included). Suddenly January 1 hits, the sweets disappear, ads for gym memberships are everywhere and Marie Osmond keeps telling us how to lose so many pounds in just one month. I am not sure why this bothers him but it does.

In googling quotes on New Years Resolutions I found this one (which I must confess I really understood):

My New Year’s Resolution List usually starts with
the desire to lose between ten and three thousand pounds.
Nia Vardalos

Read more at:

 I think the three thousand pounds works out when you add up all the pounds lost, regained, lost again, regained… get the idea.  I have yet to hear anyone resolve to gain weight in the new year…..or anytime for that matter.

I think that when it comes to age and our physical condition; the Jello theory kicks in. When you see Jello in a pan or in a mold it looks really pretty good.  You take it out of that container and put it on a plate it kind of splats out and loses that nice form. My advice to those of us of a certain age and physical condition……keep the Jello in the pan.

My husband thought it would be a fine idea to resolve to hibernate for the winter months. When the weather gets below zero around here I think that is a brilliant idea….now if we could just figure out how to make that one work.

I also hear about resolutions to start certain projects for the interior of the home and/or craft projects.  I think I should just resolve to finish the projects I have started….some from several years ago. (Anyone else have this issue?)

I have boxes of blue jeans that are ready to either be made into blue jean rugs or cut into squares for blue jean quilts. Perhaps I should resolve to start cutting and sewing squares together.

Then there is the box of yarn in the closet. In my defense on that topic….I have been making a dent in that box and turning the yarn into covered coat hangers, dish cloths, and pot holders. I am feeling pretty good about my box of yarn. It is slowly dwindling.

My latest project is a little bigger and involves participation from my husband.  I have been painting cabinets that we took out of a house that is going to be torn down. These are destined for my laundry/craft room. I cannot wait to get them finished and put in. I am hoping it brings some organization to the chaos.

When I do get those cabinets in and organized I am going to have to invite Anne and Malcolm over to critique my efforts. The floor will still be plywood but hopefully they will be gracious and overlook that detail! I will just be grateful to have cupboards!

For all of you (and me) who really don’t like New Year’s Resolutions but still really want to get something accomplished in this coming year….take heart.  We still have 364 days left in this year to get things done! (If you are like me……we should start this week.)

Happy New Year a little late!

Resolution One:
I will live for God.
Resolution Two:
If no one else does, I still will.
Jonathan Edwards

Read more at:

55 thoughts on “New Years Resolutions

  1. Beautiful, Camouflaged Mess says:

    I certainly try to make goals for the year, but I don’t like the idea of “Resolutions” simply because of the reputation they have of only lasting a month (if that). Like your husband, I agree that, if an idea is good enough to implement, why not just do it right now?

    Except for giving up chocolate or caffeine – those goals always get pushed back to “tomorrow”… 😈😂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jocelyn says:

    I don’t really make resolutions either, but I do find that I go from the crazy of coaching in the fall… into planning the Pro-Life cookie walk, into Thanksgiving & Christmas chaos! The New Year is an opportunity for me to refocus & get everything back on track again :)!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. susieshy45 says:

    I have not made resolutions because for us New Year is not such a big deal. In India we have many new years- there is one for people from the State of Kerala, one for the state of Punjab and yet another for the people from Tamil Nadu and again from the North Eastern states. So which one do we keep ? The same for birthdays- we have our actual “birth” days and then we have the days that are predicted by our native calendars which are more astrologically calculated- so again, there are two birthdays per person.
    Thus New Year- like January 1- has become a festival for those who have the guts to venture out, party, booze and generally let loose.I am not so brave.
    So my resolutions are on the spot- something like what your husband advocates. I like the jello theory you posted about. I have a box of sewing to complete, put elastic bands back on, sew up holes or tears and put buttons back. I have to get my sewing machine back working again.
    Then I need to complete my Writer’s Digest course which I registered for in 2014.
    Then I need to get my documents for the MPH course I am applying for in order and start sending my applications to various universities. And I need to get my drive and ambition back.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I think your drive is on the way to being back! Just listing the stuff you need to do helps …. at least it does for me.
      We do celebrate New Years with a group of friends from our church….so no boozing…..just lot of good fun and fellowship.
      I never knew that India had so many different new year dates or the birthday thing.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. devisecreateconcoct says:

    I totally gave the unfinished craft problem AND the yarn stash problem. AND this Christmas I took home some yarn from my mother’s yarn stash (which she is trying to reduce) to add to my yarn stash…so it continues. ~sigh~. Happy New Year Faye. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Anne Mehrling says:

    I will never look at Jello again without thinking of you! If I weren’t such a miser, I’d march to the cabinet and throw out the six boxes of Jello smirking at me there.

    I made one resolution many, many years ago. It was, “Do not ever make New Year’s resolutions again.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      bwhahaha……so glad I could give you such a nice visual image :). Maybe that is why I just tend to make my jello in a bowl and dish it out from there. That way it does not have to retain it’s original shape.
      I think the last quote is the only real resolution I make and I have to renew that one every day.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. peggyjoan42 says:

    I do not make New Year Resolutions. Like your husband – if something needs to be accomplished – do it when you think of it (whether it is August, November, or any month of the year). I never go on a diet in January, I try to exercise all through the year and not over eat to the extreme during the holidays. As you age and exercise, there is still a lot of jello there. LOL
    Nice post Faye 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Al says:

    Enjoyed your ideas, especially the one about hibernating. While we rarely hit the zero mark here, we are so spoiled that anything below freezing freaks us out. Hibernating with a good supply of Jello sounds good.

    You opening sentence gave me a great idea for my list of “things that keep me awake at night”. Check it out….it will be right at the top of the list.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    I don’t bother making New Year resolutions. I stopped doing that when I was about … ooo… 20 years old, when I stopped deluding myself about me having anything vaguely resembling ‘willpower’. I have no idea what this ‘willpower’ thing is, but apparently it’s missing in me. Offer me chocolate I’ll say yes. Offer me cake, I’ll say yes. Ask me to join someone stretching, warming up, jumping, running, racing and doing all those healthy things, and I’ll turn up, bringing a picnic with me in order to make sure I keep up my energy levels while I’m sat watching do all these things. (oh, and I’d bring a comfy seat to sit on too! No cold hard ground for me!)

    The only ‘promise’ I make myself for any New Year is: “I’m going to enjoy this Year”. I think that covers everything I could possibly think of.

    OH …. I’ve spoken to Anne and Malcolm and they said they’d be delighted to peruse your new craft room when you’ve got it up and running.

    Personally, I think you’ll do a grand job building it without any help from the punctilious pair. 😉

    Sending oodles of love and squidges so fabulous that they make you squeak! ~ Cobs. x 3 >3

    Liked by 1 person

  9. goldenbrodie says:

    I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I work toward doing what needs to be done and stay aware. Being mindful is my thing…being in the moment…I do like jello but never eat it and suddenly I have the urge to make and enjoy…maybe I’ll wait for our first snow day. Enjoyed your post.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. bcparkison says:

    Having raised 4 sons and being on a farm most of that time we had our share of jeans. I did sew squares together to make “bed “spreads ,still have one of them, but goodness they are heavy. No to resolutions. Something more important always comes along and poof..out the window they go.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. PaperPuff says:

    I gave up on resolutions a while ago. The had gotten so vague that they merged into “do more of what you should do, and less of what you shouldn’t'”. I am a Life Coach’s worst nightmare! Very exciting that you are getting a craft room though. I expect/hope to see lots of projects! And Anne and Malcolm will love it. They are very complimentary, especially if you ply them with a schooner of sherry first….

    Liked by 1 person

  12. beeorganizedwithpamela says:

    You know there is nothing better than a Jean quilt! So warm and durable. My grand made overall picnic bench covers and jean quilts with a wool blanket in the middle. I love those to this day. I too have a small yarn stash because only during the winter do I knit. Winter here is just a few weeks. So last year I was a little overly ambitious. LOL. I have been working on reducing the jello since Halloween. I must have lost my mind to start a diet on halloween. But I can honestly say I lost weight over the holidays. Love your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I am impressed that you lost weight through the holidays! I have started today and have sworn off the leftover Christmas cookies in our freezer……one step at a time. It helps that I am painting cabinets – hard to eat with a paint brush in your hand.
      Once my cabinets are in and organized I can perhaps get going on cutting squares for jean quilts for the grandkids.

      Liked by 1 person

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