Blankets and Blessings

Sweet Dreams Baby Blanket.JPG

A couple months ago my husband and I got the news that we were going to be grandparents again!!!  Our youngest son and his wife told us they were expecting some time in September.

We were also instructed not to tell anyone at that time as they were waiting to tell their grandparents first. I will have to be honest and tell you that waiting those weeks to tell anyone was extremely hard! (Maybe it is a woman thing….my husband didn’t seem to have a problem at all!)

I needed something to take my mind off my need to keep my mouth shut so I started crocheting a baby blanket. The pattern I used was one I found years ago in a book at a local library. I have no idea what the name of the book is anymore but I know the blanket was called Sweet Dreams.

I love the lacy look of this blanket and when using the soft Caron yarn it is a great baby blanket. I also modified it a bit as the pattern ends up making a rectangular blanket and I wanted a square one.

I am very sure the newest addition to the family will not care one way or another what size or shape that blanket is…….but I do! I kept the baby blankets in my cedar chest that were used for my son’s baptisms. I treasured those blankets….not for the fabric in them but for the babies that were wrapped up in them.

When our first grandchild was born I gave his parents the blankets that his dad had used. There is something to be said for passing things on. There is something wonderful about seeing your grandchild wrapped in the same blanket that his father was. Maybe it is just a mom thing or a grandma thing…..I am not sure….but I thought it was wonderful.

Passing those blankets on spoke of legacy to me. They spoke of the love that had been wrapped in them and continues on to this day. I am always slightly surprised when I realize how many years have passed since those blankets have had a baby wrapped in them.  Maybe I am surprised because I then also confront the age that I am now!

I love the fact that wrapping new grandbabies in those blankets seems to give us a do-over. We get that chance to have those conversations with the little ones that we didn’t seem to have time for when our kids were young.

It gives us a chance to take time to marvel at ants crawling on the ground as we hunker down with a child to watch. We get to feel the smoothness of stones on the gravel road and to find the adventure in the big and small things in life.

As a grandparent we have more time to enjoy those times. We have to say “No” less often and have more time to answer the “Why?” questions.  As a grandparent we are given the gift of time to really enjoy seeing life through the eyes of a child.

It is a blessing to have grandchildren. It is a blessing to see your family grow. May you have a blessed weekend. If you don’t have children or grandchildren I pray you have a child you can borrow so you may have the blessing of seeing life through the eyes of a child.

“The simplest toy,
one which even the youngest child can operate,
is called a grandparent.”

Sam Levenson

My life is blessed; I have held my children’s children.
Jeremy Taylor


81 thoughts on “Blankets and Blessings

  1. MrsCraft says:

    Oh my goodness, that’s stunning! I thought you said you only made simple things? I wouldn’t even attempt anything that fancy as I’d probably mess up the counting! I’m sure it will be treasured and handed down to wrap up even more generations of babies.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      LOL, it is actually easier than it looks! The pattern pretty much keeps repeating. I always find the edge to be the worst and the counting and counting to make sure I have the right number of stitches!


  2. samanthamurdochblog says:

    Oh that’s lovely! How thoughtful – I must have go at crochet…Congratulations too! As Mrs. Craft said, I’m sure it will become a family heirloom 😺x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. carentaylor says:

    Your blanket is so beautiful Faye! So much love and skill has gone into it’s making and I’m sure it will get lovingly passed down into many future generations…meanwhile, not too much longer to meeting your new family member 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I love the thought of giving something I have made. The blankets my sons used were made by a lady (long passed away) that went to our church. I can still see her crooked hands (she had arthritis really bad) making those blankets and putting beautiful edgings on receiving blankets. Wonderful memories.

      Liked by 1 person

      • carentaylor says:

        Your Dear Lady from Church, who made the blankets, would be proud to know she lives on still in memories…they must have been a complete joy to her to still be able to make them even though somewhat badly hindered by her arthritis. I know your blanket will be cherished too for a longtime to come 🙂


  4. penpaperandpetals says:

    Your blanket is filled with so much love and is beautiful! You are so talented! I am sure it will be passed on for generations. Congratulations on news of a new grandbaby!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Al says:

    Wonderful post on the wonders of grandparenthood. There’s nothing to compare with the thrill of holding a child’s baby. I have one going off to college this fall! Can that be?

    P.S. Beautiful blankie.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      My dad always used to tell us that if he had known grandkids were so much fun he would have had them first lol!
      My husband would tell you that grandkids heading off to college happens one day at a time. Kind of seems like the blink of an eye doesn’t it?


    • thechickengrandma says:

      There is something special about the bond between grandkids and grandparents. My sons used to talk to their grandparents if they had issues before they talked to us. We were good with that as we knew they would get great sound advice.

      Liked by 1 person

      • says:

        I think some grandparents have lost that ability and there isn’t the same relationship as there used to be because of how kids are not raised to respect their elders as they used to be. You are so right about that relationship though. I love the time I’ve had with mine.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thechickengrandma says:

        We are fortunate our children expect our grandkids to have respect. I think there are also grandparents who have just “checked out” cause they think their job is done. My folks used to talk about some of those that they met.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. peggyjoan42 says:

    Like the quote about the simple grandparent toy. Congratulations on the upcoming new grand baby. Lovely blanket. Babies are such gifts to us older folks! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. bcparkison says:

    Oh how lovely. This is something I never learned ,but I have made a few cloth baby blankets in the past. We ( oh goodness there I go again) I am expecting my 8th in October. Kinda late getting into Grandhood but I do think it is the best place to be. Blessing to you all. Keep us posted.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Linda K says:

    I know just what you mean about the love wrapped up in those blankets. I passed some on too….one my grandmother made. I hold the blankets and I can just smell that sweet baby smell in my mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. bcparkison says:

    .ME..not you LOL Our two oldest sons didn’t have children. #3 was single for 10 years after a failed marriage and now after 8 years is looking for #6. #2 finale had a boy after 20 year failed marriage . Things aren’t like they used to be, but God is good and everything does work out.


  10. Ruthie's Crafting Corner says:

    Congratulations beautiful Faye!!! Your blanket is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Oh my goodness….. Your post was wonderful too! I recently was handed down a baby blanket that my Grandmother made for my brother, ( it was made with that tiny crochet thread we use for doilies), then my Mom passed it on to her sister who was having a boy. I have it now, I may put it in a shadow box. I bet you were beaming with joy as you crocheted each stitch! xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  11. J L Hunt says:

    Beautiful! I have an aunt that would crochet blankets for us, & all sorts of creative crafts growing up. It’s something that I’ve always cherished. Congrats to you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. whitneyibeblog says:

    Reading this post, two things kept coming to my mind; 1. I want my children to grow up very fast so i can be a grandmother. 2. Let it happen now…Smiles..I know it’s not possible now but its not impossible. Congratulations Ma’am, i know the joy you feel and yes it’s a trait you can’t take away from mothers. We don’t easily contain our joy, we always want to spread it abroad regardless of if anyone is interested. Keep being happy Ma’am and keep spreading as far as you can. It’s contagious and i love it.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Ame says:

    this is so beautiful … everything about it is beautiful. i love your memories of your own babies. i love that you’ve enjoyed and treasured your grandbabies. i love that passing down beautiful legacies is important to you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      One of the biggest legacies I want to leave my kids and grandkids is a passionate love for their Lord. Also want them to always love the legacy and blessing of family. It is such a blessing to see the love my sons all have for each other. They really enjoy doing things together and this mom so appreciates that!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. susieshy45 says:

    I am sorry I saw this post two days late but better late than never.
    I am glad you have saved your blankets for the new baby and that you have something new for him/her. They will love the combination and they will know they are loved when they look at them.
    My children don’t have much of heirlooms- for me memories are saddening – they remind me of losses, of times I didn’t spend with them or of opportunities lost in time past.
    So I try to avoid keeping keepsakes- even photographs.
    I wasn’t like this before but as I grow older guilt overrides every memory, most of the times.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I read a quote somewhere that we need to recognize that we are not the person today that we were in the past. And that we need to realize we did the best we could with what we had at that time. While the past does not define us it has to some extent made us who we are. We can either be grateful for where we are today or always wishing we could change the past.
      I pray you let go the guilt Susie. That is the lie the Devil feeds you. Tell him to take his lies and get out. Tell him you choose joy….joy that those sad times are gone and you have been given a new life. That now you have time to make wonderful new memories with your family. Take the second chance Susie!

      Liked by 2 people

  15. Mrs P says:

    Many congratulations on the news that your family will be welcoming a new member ~ how exciting, I share your passion of passing down heirloom items and you blanket will surely be treasured, the love that has gone into every stitch shines as brightly as any beacon ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  16. tinaor says:

    Such a lovely post here. I would be so happy to have something so special to pass down my family. Unfortunately over the years things haven’t been saved and many people in my direct family just don’t have the same sentimental thoughts that I do. They have tended to throw out all the things I would have kept! I have recently watched nieces have babies and they seem to want ‘something new’ and no one has ‘something old’ to offer anyway. Such a shame! I am the one who has always crafted, others have never or at least not done so for years. Perhaps I will be able to start a new trend, who knows?! I do my best by gifting handmade items to people, I hope they appreciate them down the line!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I think sometimes it take others longer to realize what a treasure handcrafted items that are passed down through generation can be.
      I am thinking you need to be the one to start the trend of making and passing on heirlooms! There are young people out there who do love those heirlooms… just have to find them.


  17. Sharon, Leadership2Mommyship says:

    A gorgeous blanket! I really need to take a crochet or sewing class, or I will not have anything to make for my grandchildren one day–which is a long time from now. My 22 year old has no interest in being married or having kids right now–😊. The fact his brother is three makes me happy! So I have time to learn. Congratulations on the grand baby; the blanket will keep the little one snuggled in love. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Jessica says:

    I didn’t know you crocheted!! That is beautiful! I absolutely love the lessons in this. Passing things down, wrapping up babies, the passage of time. What a joy it must be to have your house and your blankets filled with your children’s children. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      It is so neat to be able to give them the blankets and clothing they wore at their baptisms. My mom just went through her cedar chest last month and gifted me with the little dress I wore at my baptism. I loved it!


  19. juliascreativeyear says:

    Thank you for including your comment about ‘borrowing’ children. Having never had my own kids I’ll never get to be a grandmother. I love kids and am honorary aunty to lots. Hopefully we’ll keep in touch and I’ll get to be honorary grandma to their kids too. I’m happy as long as there are babies around and I’m allowed a cuddle! It’s special to make something for them too, and to know that it will bring them love and comfort and warmth.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    “The simplest toy,
    one which even the youngest child can operate,
    is called a grandparent.”
    ― Sam Levenson

    Ohhhh Chicken .. that brought a lump to my throat, both of joy and thankfulness. Thank you so much for including that and sharing it.

    Now then … back to your post…

    How lovely to have another grandbaby on the way. I would have loved Daughter No.2 to give us another grandbaby, but sadly she doesn’t agree with the whole idea. (I totally understand, I really do. But it doesn’t stop my heart wishing SO hard that it hurts).

    I love the blanket you’ve made. It looks so soft and so ‘drapey’. And I can see every stitch – which resonates with the love a very special Grandma, who has woven her love within each and everyone of the stitches.

    I’m so thrilled for you.
    You really are amazing, and I love you for it. You’re such a wonderful gift to the world, and I thank The Lord for leading me to you all the time.
    Sending squidges and much love ~ Cobs. x
    (p.s. sorry this is a bit late, I’m desperately trying to catch up with everyone’s blog posts. My health is rubbish at the moment and doesn’t help with keeping on top of everything. … one step forward, one step back … at least it’s staying in the same place, eh?! lol. tsk tsk.) ❤


  21. PaperPuff says:

    Congratulations!! How lovely! And your blanket is stunning, so pretty. I think passing the blankets down is a lovely idea. They will be treasured.

    Liked by 1 person

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