The Waiting Time


To be honest….there isn’t much in my life that has changed too much with all the confusion in this world. As farmers we kind of roll with the seasons anyway; and this has always been a time of waiting.

We wait for the winter storms to be done. We wait for the earth to dry up enough to till the fields that have been resting since they were harvested last fall. We wait for the warmth of those Spring days…when the sun shines and warms the earth enough for the asparagus shoots to peek through the earth. We wait.

In a way it is a blessing for us that we are used to this waiting season. It makes the staying home a bit easier to do.( It does not make it any easier to think of the hugs I am missing from my kids and grandkids!)

My heart goes out to those whose waiting is very unusual….to those who are laid off or furloughed at this time. To those waiting for a loved one to get over the virus….to those who wonder if they have caught it. The anxiety of wondering how long this will last can be incredibly hard. The not knowing can be the worst.

This past week my sister did a video with Pastor John (the pastor of her church). He has been doing this with various members of his congregation to keep everyone in touch and to make sure they are all doing well.

After I watched this video I was extremely proud of my sister. She is a private person and this was a step of faith that she took, because she realized it might help others during this time. She gave me her permission to share the link for this video.

I hope it inspires you during this waiting time. I hope it eases your mind and calms your soul. I pray it makes you realize you are not alone in any of this. There are others waiting and wondering. There are others with fear.

I pray her testimony blesses you as much as it blessed me….and yes I may be biased (okay I AM biased). May this find you seeing the blessings in the small things like flowers, birds and a good jigsaw puzzle.

May this post find you looking for the good in this time of waiting and finding the treasure hidden in it…the treasure of time to be still. May you know the comfort that this season will pass and may you come to treasure this time of waiting.

The sun is always shining,
you just can’t always see it.
John S.
(my dad)




20 thoughts on “The Waiting Time

  1. peggyjoan42 says:

    Such a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing this Faye. This is a very hard time for all those who inhabit this earth. My heart goes out to those who have lost their jobs and are trying to find a way to feed their families. Prayer and faith are the only ways to get through this tragic time. Love to you and your family Faye.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Margy says:

    Access to the internet has been a game changer, hasn’t it! In the ‘old days’ we would have used the telephone to keep in touch, but seeing someone is almost as good as being together.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I told my kids that I wanted to know how to do the zoom thing. I want to see all my kids at the same time at least on the same screen at the same time. I am so glad we got fiber optic this past year!


  3. beaconsoflife says:

    She looked very relaxed. I happen to see the next video that popped up on my YouTube from Pastor John and pretty cool that he pastors Calvary Christian Reformed Church. I group up in a Christian Reformed Church. What a small world it is, yet so vast and big! My mom attended one until we started bringing her to our church. My Dad and his wife still attend one is Kalamazoo, MI. Oh, and I struggle with anxiety too, so she’s in good company.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Al says:

    Great video. I could see she was a bit tense starting out, but really got into the flow. Not an easy step for her, but she can be assured she made a difference in some people’s lives. A great spokesperson for your family, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you are every bit as sweet, loving and congenial as her!

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