A Day For Thanks

Thanksgiving Decorations.JPG

There are days that I wish would not end.  Yesterday was one of them. We spent it celebrating Thanksgiving. The day was gray and chilly but it turned out to be a wonderful day spent with loved ones.

The day started fairly early as the rice stuffing needed to get into the 16+ pound turkey and get in the oven. While that was in the oven and sending out a great Thanksgiving aroma, my husband and I set up tables and chairs, put out plates, glasses, napkins, silverware, and of course the candy corn sprinkled on the tables. We did discover that if you do not purchase your candy corn and candy pumpkins by Halloween you have a very tough time finding them in the store for Thanksgiving! (Note to self…..purchase earlier next time around.)

My side of the family came to our home yesterday. The traditional turkey, stuffing, squash, corn, and pumpkin pie was served. We also had a few non-traditional things such as ribs, a pasta salad, cream cheese pie and a Skor cake. (see previous post for some of those recipes.)

For me one of the highlights of the day was our devotion time. All 22 of us stood in our kitchen. It was full of people, it was crowded and it was wonderful. I found the neatest Thanksgiving scripture cards from Kim Marsh-Weed over at Good Enough. Before my husband opened with prayer we had everyone read their card.

We served the food buffet style (that just works the easiest with this crowd) and after everyone had eaten their fill we were sated. Isn’t that a great word? Word prompt chose that one for today.  I love the meaning “to fill, to satisfy, to gorge, to quench….” Pretty much explains a thanksgiving meal. It also explains great relationship. ….spending time together till you are filled, satisfied and quenched.



We spent a lot of our day satisfying our love of being together.  Some of the group just sat and talked. some decided they wanted to shoot some clays. My nephew’s wife decided her goal for the day was to catch and hold one of the girls. She accomplished that goal in a very short time. It is a good thing my girls are so tame!

No matter which group you were in…talking,resting, chicken capture or shooting, there was laughter, lots of chatter and an abundance of good natured teasing.


For some reason everyone who wanted to shoot remembered their shells but no one remembered to bring extra boxes of clays. My husband and son went and rummaged around in the basement and found a box of rabbit clays….the kind that you are supposed to have bounce along the ground. They decided to use them like regular clays and throw them.

After making their way out back of the barn they soon discovered that those clays did not react like regular ones. There was some confusion when clay after clay flew into the air, guns were fired and intact clays hit the ground. It didn’t look like anyone was hitting anything.  Comments were made, “There is no way we are this bad!”, “We are better than this!” and “I think I need glasses.”


After shooting through the whole box they decided to go and retrieve any unbroken ones. They discovered most of them had chips  but had not broken when they had been hit…..mystery solved….they were better than that!  To be honest I think they were all pretty relieved to find out they were not such bad shots after all! They also thought it was kind of neat they could reuse the clays!

Everyone started to get cold as the day was gray, damp and cool. They decided it was time to head back to the house and find some hot coffee and dessert; as the turkey and stuffing had settled and left room for sweets.

There was such a sweetness to this day spent with family. It came to a close much too quickly. Fortunately the memories will last a lifetime. We spent much of the day, today, rehashing yesterday. It was rather like replaying a movie over and over and it was so much fun to redo it in our minds. Days like this just add to the bond that holds people together….shared fun, shared stories, shared joys and shared heartaches all rolled up with love.

I am going to end this post with part of the devotions that we did yesterday. I read an email that I had received way back in 2010 from a lady in her 90’s. ( I was always amazed that she learned how to work a computer at her age….it gives me great hope for the coming years!)

The e-mail was titled, “I Wish You Enough.”  It was the story of a father and daughter at an airport as the daughter is set to leave. It was probably the last time she would see him on this earth and he wanted to wish her a life filled with just enough good things to sustain her.

The e-mail ended with the sentence, “They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them; but then an entire life to forget them.”

This is my Thanksgiving wish for you all. May you be blessed and I wish you enough…….

I Wish You Enough
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
Bob Perks




30 thoughts on “A Day For Thanks

    • thechickengrandma says:

      Chicken catching would be a great sport. It does take a certain skill level and the ability to talk the chicken into standing still enough to grab. This particular niece is so funny and the first thing she said to me as she walked in the door Thanksgiving day was that she wanted to catch and hold a chicken!
      It was a great day!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Anne Mehrling says:

    Marvelous! I loved reading about your family Thanksgiving and seeing your photos. They reminded me of so many holidays where our family gathered in the church Sunday School wing because none of us had a house large enough to hold the crowd. This year two couples withdrew at the last minute, one because of the smoke from the fires in the mountains.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thechickengrandma says:

      My house isn’t that big we just packed on in. I put tables in the living room and had my big one in the kitchen. One of my nephews looked around as we were standing for our devotions and just laughed. He commented that a house always looks like there is room till we are all in it! It is great and I love it.

      Liked by 2 people

    • thechickengrandma says:

      As I was reading that I almost started to cry because I really wish that for my family. I do want them to be happy and successful but I do want them to know they need to rely on God. Unfortunately that seems to take hardship. I hope you have a blessed week!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jessica says:

    Feel like I was there with you guys. Looks like a wonderful day. I miss Iowa so much. This is the first year all of my grandparents have been gone.

    The email at the end is perfect timing. Got my eyes all misty. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • thechickengrandma says:

      My kids are so fortunate…..they still have both sets of grandparents. The grandparents are all in their 80’s though. It was so much fun.
      I also love the email which is probably why I kept it all these years. The lady I got it from was a member of our church and then she moved to a retirement home. In her 90’s she learned to use a computer and sent me lots of emails. Some were like this and some were the craziest jokes! Her name was Tillie and I want to be like Tillie when I grow up LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jessica says:

        Oh my gosh. How lucky that you still have everyone. My grandma Wilma was the last and we lost her at 96 last December. Of course, I’m still blessed with my great aunt in Spirit Lake! She’s 97.

        Tillie sounds like a wonderful soul. When you get that age, feel free to email me! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. kim marsh-weed says:

    What a wonderful day full of love & abundant blessings! Thank you so much for linking to the Thanksgiving Scripture cards! I am SO thankful that you were able to use them together with your family. Have a relaxing rest of your Thanksgiving weekend & enjoy the joys of the Christmas season that is upon us!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Deb says:

    What a fun, lovely and memorable day you all had! I think I would have tried my hand at catching and holding one of the girls…then I would try and make her my friend…or try to! I also would have tried shooting the clays to see if I could do it. I have read that “I wish you enough” before and it does bring tears to my eyes. What a wonderful idea to do the devotions, I love that! All in all sounds like you had a perfect Thanksgiving! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. leadership2mommyship says:

    What a beautiful Thanksgiving! Honestly my husband would have loved to have gone out shooting, lol, and I’m pretty sure my three year old would love to catch a chicken! Thank you for sharing this blessed day and for the poem at the end. I’ve not seen in awhile, but a wonderful reminder. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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