Raining Petals


The other day I drove past my in-laws home. I should have stopped and taken a picture of their flowering crab tree; but I was in a hurry. The tree was absolutely beautiful that day and loaded with rose-colored flowers……overloaded actually. I made the assumption that I could take a photo when I went to town the next day and had more time…..so I kept driving.

When I stopped the next day; I found the next day was too late. The wind had picked up during the night and many of the flower petals had blown off and lay in drifts on the driveway. The slight breeze was still making it rain petals and we stood and watched as the petals twisted and drifted on the wind, then dropped to join the drift on the driveway.

The day of the “petal drift” was spent with my husband’s siblings; sorting and dividing the lifetime of memories in their parent’s house. There was much laughter and lots of stories told. The good times were discussed and the not so good times were discussed.

We reminisced and also caught up on each other’s lives; as siblings came from other places and other states to help out. It was also heart-warming to see that treasured pieces were going to kids and grandchildren who would also treasure them, and the memories they held.

Much of that day was like the drift of the petals of that flowering crab. The time was taken to enjoy the relationship of family before the wind would blow us too far to be gathered up again.

There are things to be learned from that rose colored petal drift…..life does not stay the same. Overnight things can change and life looks totally different…..not always bad…but different.

There was a beauty to be found in that drift of petals. Like life, it was just a different kind of beauty. Life changes and it is good to look for the “different” beauty to be grasped. Usually that new beauty is not of our own choosing, but is still okay.

There is also the lesson, for me, that I should not always assume that life will not change. There are times when the wind will take what you know and blow it into a totally different shape when you least expect it. That new shape is not always bad…it is just sometimes uncomfortable. For me, it makes me rely on God more than I would if life were going smooth.

In visiting my in-laws in their new apartment in assisted living; I am learning that change can be handled with grace. I am learning that each new place has a joy of it’s own and there is always something new to be learned.

We may drift and we may twist like rose-colored petals in the wind. We may not be sure of where we will land once the breeze lets us go….but we can be sure, we have the choice to enjoy where we land…..and that is a good thing.

For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven: 

Ecclesiastes 3:1


24 thoughts on “Raining Petals

  1. susieshy45 says:

    A beautiful post, Faye. you said a lot without putting them in so many words.
    The only thing permanent about life is change. There is no predictability. You cannot build today’s pattern based on how yesterday went. Today will have its own pattern.
    And tomorrow its own. For lucky ones life goes on almost the same but for most, the patterns do change and life keeps becoming uncertain.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A. Michelle! says:

    Beautiful life. We always seem to be on the same spiritual learning. My next post includes the same scripture and is about embracing change. Thank you so much for your inspirational words….you speak life and introduce so much grace in your writing. Astute comparison, “drifting petals.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lindasschaub says:

    That is a beautiful post – very meaningful. I know what you mean about the petals. Those beautiful flowering trees are here for such a short time and one torrential rainstorm or a breezy day and they are lying on the lawn, on the sidewalk – poof, gone.

    Liked by 1 person

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