Summer’s End


In the past few days there have been several indicators that Fall is fast closing in. Canning season has come to an end. The garden is no longer beautiful and lush.  (It was looking bedraggled and spent so we cleared the debris and my husband pulled a disc through it.) The tall grasses that line the river bank are turning brown and the trees are fast losing their leaves.

The sound of the mornings are even different than a month ago. There is no longer a choir of birds singing at high volume in the gully to the south of us. Wind does not blow softly through the leaves on the trees. It seems to be gaining that winter howl…though I am glad it is not accompanied by snow…….yet!


An End to Summer Fun

I took the pool down a few weeks back because we were having high winds and they said cooler weather was coming. I figured I should take it down while the weather was nice enough to deal with gallons of water that would probably be landing on me.

It was my concession to the fact that the seasons were indeed changing and I had best be prepared. I had been dragging my feet on that task as I do like the warmer weather, better than snow and cold and ice. It does feel kind of like giving up when I take it down.

I had not really planned on taking a few weeks break from blogging, but it just seemed that every time I was going to sit down and work on a post, another job seemed more pressing. Between the canning, prepping the garden for winter and preparing for the harvesting of our soybean field….time just slipped away.

The neighbor came over and combined the soybeans for us this past week. It is a good job to have finished for the season. There is a comfort in having those bushels safely tucked away at the local elevator.

There is something satisfying about the look of a harvested field. At first glance it looks like an ending. When you take a second glance you see that it is the first step in the preparations for planting next year. It is a beginning.

I love the fact that farming is like a dance. There is an ageless rhythm to the passing of seasons. There is a harmony to the preparing, planting, maintaining and harvesting those fields.

There is a beauty to the golden ripe crops and there is a beauty to the stubble left behind after the combine has done it’s work. There is a rightness to the cycles of the passing seasons and it is so evident as I watch the fields change.

Those fields are so like life….there is beauty in all seasons of life. Sometimes it may seem like giving up as you enter that next season. In all reality it is just a preparation for the next steps of the dance.

Let’s enjoy that change…let’s embrace the ageless rhythm that is life. Let’s open our eyes to the beauty of each step we take. Those endings just might be beginnings…..much like taking in the harvest in order to prepare for planting.


“Live each season as it passes;
breathe the air,
drink the drink,
taste the fruit,
and resign yourself to the influences of each.”
— Henry David Thoreau

31 thoughts on “Summer’s End

  1. Ame says:

    It was my concession to the fact that the seasons were indeed changing and I had best be prepared.

    it’s amazing when we can’t *will* things to be what we want them to be 😉 .

    i love how you see life … and Life 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Linda K says:

    I always try to till my gardens in the fall and level them off nice. I was just thinking your same thoughts this morning looking at my garden put to rest for the winter. It is a satisfying feeling of a season well done and a hope for the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. peggyjoan42 says:

    I guess enjoying each season is like really living each day to the fullest. Each season does have its own beauty. Winter is a time of rest for the land and the animals. God knows we all need that rest. The trees are just beginning to turn here in Arkansas. The soybeans are still in the fields. But things will change in another month. Beautiful post Faye..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ray V. says:

    I love the reference to a dance. Following you for a few years now, I can almost sense being there and marvel how beautiful it must be there. Acknowledging how difficult farming is, I almost wish I had that opportunity when I was younger. Some days I wonder what I’m dancing for? You don’t have that problem.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      My dad grew up on a farm and many times will voice the thought that he would have loved to take over the family farm. It was sold as no family member was interested at the time.
      I suspect every profession has a hard side to it and a good side.
      When you wonder what you are dancing for….one of my favorite songs by a Christian artist is “This Journey Is My Own” by Sara Groves. The lyrics, for me, are exactly what the dance of life is and what we dance for.

      Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I always think that for a farmer it is like for someone who gardens and cans (only on a grander scale). You plan in the winter, work through spring and summer and bring in the results in the fall. There really is something amazing about that cycle.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Margy says:

    I always enjoy seeing farm life through your eyes!
    I’m following a Southern Alberta farmer on Twitter. Interesting how upbeat he is in describing how he hopes to get the barley off after two feet of snow – followed by another two feet of snow a week later. The snow is melted, but his crops have been flattened.
    He described how the truck got stuck in the snow when he tried to haul feed to the cattle, but he eventually got the feed to the cattle and the truck unstuck when the tractor showed up (sounds just like the Corb Lund song – Corb is another S.Alta boy)

    Anyway, somehow, he’ll get some barley off – he is sure of that. He does say he is already tired of snowmobiling…

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      Love that!!! I think to farm or garden you have to be an optimist….else the weather would really get you down. I have heard that suicides by farmers are up this year due to the crazy weather and crop prices and that really makes me sad. Humor goes a long way to brightening the outlook!


  6. says:

    I still have fond memories of life on the farm. It is, as you say, like a dance -on filled with difficult steps and boundless energy. I envy you, yet I realize the work involved in being a farmer. I also thank God there are still those that sacrifice to do the necessary laboring, so we can reap the benefits.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      It can be hard but the upside is you get to live in wide open spaces. When we were first married we lived in a small town for 6 months. My farm boy husband nearly went nuts. I am not fond of the weeds in the fields and often wonder what Adam and Eve were thinking when they ate that apple! And then I realize I probably would have been right there with them begging for a bite.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Lisa@LismorePaper says:

    I have such fond memories of the farm life, you have written it perfectly. The change of season is so refreshing. It feels so good to prepare and plan for the next year. Its hard and exhausting at times but so worth it. Warm Autumn blessings 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      There is just something about farming that puts a person so in touch with the changes of each season. I think there is also something amazingly hopeful about farmers….at least my farmer seems to get past the flooding and weeds. I am so grateful he can do that.


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