Joy In The Mail


This past week has been really busy. After a very long winter and an unreal wet spring, the farmers in our area were finally back in the field.

The river has been behaving again and so have the days. They have been breezy, warm (almost hot) and drying. There are still many wet holes in fields but farmers are now farming around them.

Some farmers do venture close to those muddy areas and do end up getting stuck. It has been a very normal thing this year to see Facebook posts with photos of tractors and equipment up their axles in mud.

The other day, my husband came to the house and said he needed my assistance. He and his tractor had ventured to close to an area that looked fine, but was way too wet. We did get it unstuck without to much trouble and it was decided that area would not get planted this year. (There is probably a life lesson in there somewhere.)

I am also still waiting to finish planting my vegetable garden, but I hesitate to mention it because I need the assistance of my farmer husband and he is quite preoccupied this week.  I know it will eventually all get planted….late…but that is better than not at all!

In the middle of all this odd planting season a bit of joy arrived in my mailbox. The picture above is a card from a blogging friend of mine. (moreinkplease). She knew I had been making jean quilts for my grandkids and she also knew the challenges we were facing with farming this year.

I am in awe of her talent at card making  skills (and yes she does sell them and I hope she puts a link to that in the comment section!) Here is the link for her Facebook page…Late Blooming Designs by beverly. I am also loving how she knew exactly the words to write to ease this farm wife’s heart and soul. She is an amazing example of how a few words can say and do so much.

Let’s finish this week following her example. Let’s encourage each other through the hard parts. Let’s see those who are stuck in the mud holes of life and the literal mud holes. Let’s offer words of hope. It doesn’t have to be big….a quilted card can bring a lot of joy! 

“Be humble,
be simple,
and bring joy to others.”
– Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat





26 thoughts on “Joy In The Mail

  1. beaconsoflife says:

    What a sweet and thoughtful thing for her to do! I just planted more flowers today. I have so much mud in my yard that planting is not enjoyable. Glad you are feeling better so you can plant your vegetables.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      When I opened that envelop it just made me smile to see the card. I have it where I can see it during the day. It is a good reminder that God is good and there are so many good people in this world if we just look.
      I am trying to be patient waiting for my husband to help me move some fences for my vegetable garden. Then I can finally get my tomatoes and peppers in. Right now they are just getting huge in their tiny pots.


  2. susieshy45 says:

    BC is such a sweetheart, isn’t she? A quilted card, I wonder how that is made.
    It is good to remember there will be mud holes and seasons of slowing down in life. I think it is in Exodus that says, the seventh year, let the fields lie fallow so it can recuperate. I hope you get your vegetable garden planted and growing soon. I am glad the weather is better. And that you are doing good too. Every small blessing on us is a miracle. I am praying for you Faye,

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      Thank you so much for the prayers Susie. It is a wonderful thing to have people pray for you. “The prayer of a righteous man availeth much” James 5:16.
      I need a few fences moved and then I should be able to finish planting the garden. I am hoping for that to happen tonite. We are supposed to get a bit of rain this weekend and it would be good to have the plants in before that. We will see!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. peggyjoan42 says:

    A lovely post about encouraging others. The Arkansas farmers are having the same plight. I have great compassion for those who have so many woes from rain and flooding. The Arkansas River has flooded people’s homes all through our state. Planting a garden this year has been ongoing. My husband has planted his garden 4 times. We definitely should all encourage our farmers and those who have suffered so terribly from bad weather this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      We have been seeing news reports of the flooding in Arkansas and it looks awful. It would be hard to lose your home and all the memories in it.
      I am hoping my farmer husband only has to plant his fields once. There are spots that will not be planted as there is still standing water on some of the farm ground.

      Liked by 1 person

      • peggyjoan42 says:

        I have great sympathy for all the farmers – they work so hard and often mother nature makes their work so much harder. Good luck on your crops and your garden this year. God bless you.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. bcparkison says:

    Faye , How sweet of you to share your card. This ongoing flood is just to hard to enevn get my mind around. So glad yours has started to dry up. The funny thing is as wet as we were earlier the gentle rain we are now getting is much needed in the flower bed. Rivers are still out and some of the farm land will not be in production this year. Just so sad.
    I do have an Etsy shop under LateBlooming Designs. Can’t say yet it is a raving success but time will tell. I do enjoy my paper crafting .
    ps..still haven’t heard from our friend and yes still concerned turning to worry.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I did find your Facebook page and edited the post to insert that link. Hoping it send people your way so they can enjoy your talents!
      I so agree on the flower beds needing a gentle rain. My potatoes and peas are looking a bit limp and I may have to actually get the hose out for them.
      The last I have heard from our friend was April 15 when she replied to a comment on her Hugo blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. ruthsoaper says:

    What a lovely gesture. I love getting cards or letters in the mail. I am glad that you didn’t have much trouble getting the tractor out of the mud. I mean once the tractor is stuck then what kind of vehicle do you use to get it out??? The tractor is what pulls other vehicles out of the mud. LOL. I think one time my husband got ours stuck and had to leave it for a few days until things dried up. We had wonderful sunshine and a nice breeze today. That certainly was a good start to getting things drier.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      You are so right Ruth on what do you use when a tractor is stuck? We did use another tractor with a very long tow rope. My husband will hopefully have only one small field left after tomorrow. That one he is not really sure if he will get planted as it is right next to the river. At this point it kind of resembles a beach because a lot of sand washed up on it with the flooding.
      I am so glad you had a nice sunny breezy day today. It does wonders for the mental attitude!

      Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I loved the card as well! I am always impressed with Beverly’s creative cards. It has been a year and I hope the big storms are done. I just have to plant my melons yet, then the garden is all in. I am some late but maybe we will have a late fall….who knows anymore LOL.


  6. Ame says:

    it’s the little things. what a beautiful gift of her heart to you 🙂

    i’m sorry it’s so hard for y’all and all those in your area this year. it’s surreal all the rain you’ve got. i don’t understand it all; i’m sure you don’t, either. it’s good to know, though, that God does. i don’t know how people who don’t believe in God get through the hard days.


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