Winter Prep and the Book Giveaway


Our View Two Weeks Ago

Two weeks ago we had snow. It was a great reminder that we needed to start prepping as winter would definitely be coming. One thing you can count on in Iowa is the changing seasons!

The past days have finally been dry and resemble what fall should look like. My husband has been busy hauling wagon loads of soybeans to town to the local Farmer’s Coop Elevator. Now we wait for the corn to be dry enough to be combined.

In between those two harvest times we have been using the days to prepare for the cold of winter. We love to burn wood to help save on our heating budget. We have spent the last couple days splitting wood.

A couple years ago my husband had his hips replaced. We borrowed a friend’s log splitter and learned how wonderful that invention really was. The next year we decided, as we were getting older we needed to work smarter. We found a log splitter on a clearance sale and made the purchase. It was a great decision!

We have a few more days to go on wood splitting before the pile is all done. Fortunately the weather looks promising for that task. I get the easy part of just pushing the lever. This year I am doing my job by sitting on a tall chair and just pushing the lever.

The girls tend to wander over while we split wood. They love the ants and grubs that sometimes have found their way into the pile. It is  satisfying to see the split wood, stack up and watch that splitter turn logs into usable pieces.

My husband used to split all of it with a maul and a sledgehammer. As I said….we have learned to work smarter and this wood no longer has to warm us twice!

On another subject……I have finally done the drawing for the book giveaway!  With the help of my husband who was a neutral bystander.  I numbered 1 – 24 and put the names next to the numbers. I then put the numbers on pieces of paper and my husband drew a number from a bucket. I have no idea how to do the rafflecopter thing so we went old school!

Here is the list of those that were in the giveaway:
1. Terri J                             2. Jackie VG                   3. Jo O
4. Donna VG                       5. Kristi K                       6. Michele R (rabbitpatchdiaries)
7. Juliescreativeyear         8. DeAnn T                     9. Lena DK
10.Lisa@Lismorepaper   11.Jessica                       12.Lorna K
13.Vicki                               14.Sheila T                     15.Ruthsoaper
16.Robbyefaye                   17.Miriam B                  18.BeverlyP (moreinkplease)
19. Lindaschaub                20.A.Michelle                21.Judy L
22. Judy B                            23.Robin                         24.Jocelyn M

The number drawn was (drum roll) #3!   Congratulation Jo O….you will be gifted the book: It’s All Under Control and workbook. I will be in touch with you to see that you get it.

Some of those who entered are fellow bloggers. If you click on their names it should take you to their blogs and you can enjoy some good reading!  You will also meet some amazing women that way!20181014_103846.jpg


I have not yet read my copy of this book. I do plan to spend some wonderful time…. in a rocking chair…. in front of the woodstove this winter. I plan to be holding that book in one hand….a cup of hot chocolate in the other and enjoying the warmth from the wood we have split.

May you have a blessed weekend and may this post find you doing something you enjoy.


“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”
–William Blake

“Some books are to be tasted,
others to be swallowed,
and some few to be chewed and digested.”

Francis Bacon, The Essays   


32 thoughts on “Winter Prep and the Book Giveaway

  1. ruthsoaper says:

    Hi Faye thank you so much for linking my blog.
    We haven’t had snow yet but at this point it may be better than all the rain we have in this weeks forecast. Our plan for this upcoming week is putting up wood as well. My husband used to split all of the wood with a maul. When he used to be employed he would be away for at least three weeks at a time. He would make sure we had what he figured would be enough wood split to get us through while he was away. I wanted to be able to split wood if I needed to but I was very bad at using a maul, so I purchased a manual hydraulic log splitter from Northern Tool company. It still requires some physical labor but it was very reasonably priced. It will only split up to 16 inch diameter I think but it is pretty much all we need. My hubby has also begun using it because it really makes the job easier.
    I hope you get some dry weather so the corn can be harvested.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      We always have to wait for the neighbor as he does our combining. It does work well that way because then we have time to split wood and my husband can also haul manure from his brother’s place to our fields.
      We also got an amazing deal on our gas-powered log splitter! And we love it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Anne Mehrling says:

    John used to split logs for our fireplace in NY. He certainly resonated with your statement of being warmed twice by that wood. Our fires were mostly decorative, although we did burn quite a bit when there was a blizzard and no power. Now we live in a house with a gas fireplace, and I love it. There is no mess! Since I’m not much of a cleaner, I try not to be a messer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      My sister has a gas fireplace and also loves it. She agrees with you that the warmth is great and without the mess.
      A few years back we found a woodstock soapstone stove on sale on craigslist and put that in our frontroom to replace a really old inefficient one. We have used it to heat our soup and food when the electric is out.


  3. bcparkison says:

    Congrats to Jo O.
    Oh how glad I am we don’t have to worry about snow. A day or two would bee fine but not much more. How ever…awhile living in North Ala. in 1993 we were out of pocket for two week with 23 ” of snow. Learned how to cook on the fire place. Almost like camping out. lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      Maureen, I told my husband you have never seen snow. He got the funniest look on his face. It is hard for us to “get” that. Probably as hard as you to imagine the feel of snow! Come on down in the winter and enjoy our snow with us! They tell us we should be getting plenty this winter….we will see if they are right.
      I thought it was a great opportunity to introduce people to the blogs I enjoy!


  4. lindasschaub says:

    Hi Faye – well look at that snow! Thankfully it is gone because you just got the Thanksgiving decorations not too long ago. We have had two hard freezes here in Southeast Michigan and no snow yet, but our weather from 86 to 46 in a matter of about 18 hours … it has been a wacky weather year. Glad you are feeling better enough to tackle the log splitting, even if using a machine for it. Ah well, better luck next time on the book for me and thank you for putting the link to my blog in your post. It is appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I have the easy part of log splitting. Especially this year sitting on my chair. I always just get to pull the lever while my husband does all the heavy work.
      It has been an odd weather year. Actually the last few years have been odd.

      Liked by 1 person

      • lindasschaub says:

        That’s good that you got the easy part Faye – you had a lot of wood loaded up, that’s for sure and it will keep you toasty all Winter. The weather has been odd and I’d favor having the four seasons that I’ve been accustomed to here in SE Michigan – maybe they are a thing of the past?


  5. Lisa@LismorePaper says:

    Hi Faye, Thank you for linking my blog. The snow looks beautiful, but I bet you are glad it melted. Getting everything ready for winter is a lot of work, but to be cozy by the fire on those cold days and nights is bliss. I hope you are feeling better and I hope you enjoy the fall. Many blessings and hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I am so glad the snow melted! It is too early for it to stick around. Last year it came early and hung around forever.
      I am feeling better every week. I still have a ways to go as the effects of the encephalitis portion of West Nile seem hard to shake. Physical Therapy has been a great help for that and my balance.
      I included links to blogs because I just know there are others out there who need a good blog to check out! Blessing to you to LIsa.


  6. thecobweboriumemporium says:

    Many congratulations to the Winner!

    I’m sat here giving thanks for the wood chipper! When I began reading I had visions of you trying to take on the chopping of that wood, and felt my heart beating in my throat! I have never been so glad to read about a wood chipper!

    Don’t try to run before you can walk, Chicken. It’s all too easy to think that you’re letting the side down and jump right in…. but the trouble is that it’s a sure recipe for the one step forward two steps back dance. Just take very good care and don’t over-stretch yourself. Remember to make sure you have enough spoons to get you through your day, every day! 🙂

    Sending you love and a wish and hope for very little snow this year.
    Also sending love and squidges ~ as you would expect. ~ Cobs. xxx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      I am so not running Cobs. In fact I may be crawling some days.
      Judging by how far behind I am in writing and reading blogs my dancing is a slow dance.
      I also know that I do run out of spoons and spend some days resting while I wait for my spoon supply to catch up ☺ and I am good with that at this point.
      I pray you have had a blessed weekend Cobs….Love to you and yours. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Al says:

    This reminded me of the many times I split wood when we lived in Pennsylvania. I was a yong buck back then and thought nothing of it. If I had to split wood now, it would be about a two week hsopital stay afterward! We don’t really have many fires here but we are talking about installing a gas fireplace.

    Enjoy the fireside hot chocolate!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      About three years ago my husband was still splitting the wood with an sledgehammer and maul. Then his hips gave out and he discovered the wonders of a gas powered log splitter…It was a great discovery!
      I am totally looking forward to hot chocolate by the fire!


    • thechickengrandma says:

      Sitting by the woodstove is the best part of winter in this part of the country! I am doing so much better than a few weeks ago. I have even started driving myself to physical therapy…..and we went to church Sunday morning! I was tired afterwards but it was so good to see everyone.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Timelesslady says:

    When we were younger and without children, my husband loved to cut deadwood on lots that were marked for construction. He knew several area builders, and before they began building, he was able to cut down the dead trees on the lots and bring the wood home for our Franklin stove…that was over 40 years ago. It did take a lot time and effort to split that wood up. I admire your big pile…so glad the log splitter works for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thechickengrandma says:

      It is always good to have a connection for finding firewood. We have lots of trees that went down by the river when it flooded this last time. I think we are good for a long time for firewood. We have also found that our town dump yields lots of firewood to be cut after every storm.

      Liked by 1 person

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